Our monthly marketing and ecommerce roundup - October - Sellerdeck

Our monthly marketing and ecommerce roundup – October

Our monthly marketing and ecommerce roundup – October

Reading Time: 3 minutes
October has come and gone, and Christmas is nearly here! But in case it went too fast for you we have highlighted the important news and updates in marketing and e-commerce. This month we cover Domino’s pizza orders, Christmas shopping countdown and huge potential change to Facebook’s News Feed.

Social media news

Facebook test a Latest News Feed

This might prove a significant bit of marketing news this month for those brands hoping to reach Facebook users news feeds organically in the future. The decline of organic reach on Facebook has been a noticeable one. There’s little chance of gaining a huge reach anymore, purely based on your content, or the time of day you post. Facebook are addressing this change and concerns from users who purely want to use the platform for friend updates and posts.

They’ve made a small but significant move by testing two news feeds, with the primary news feed focused on posts from friends (hurrah!). But there will also be ads and promoted posts displayed within this feed too. So basically, no organic posts will reach this feed.

Facebook have stated the reason for this test:

With all of the possible stories in each person’s feed, we always work to connect people with the posts they find most meaningful. People have told us that they want an easier way to see posts from friends and family, so we are testing two separate feeds. One as a dedicated space with posts from friends and family, and another is a dedicated space for posts from pages. To understand if people like these two different spaces, we will test a few things, such as how people engage with videos and other types of posts.

There’s no need to panic just yet though. Facebook aren’t planning on making any worldwide changes to segmenting the feed between personal and public posts, beyond the test countries, which include Serbia, Sri Lanka and Slovakia.

Interesting stat

Facebook native videos generate 530% more comments than YouTube

Ecommerce news

Domino’s sees 140 pizzas ordered online every minute

In their latest financial quarter, Domino’s have reported a fast growth in their digital sales, with their busiest online sales day recording 140 pizzas ordered every minute in the UK.

Domino’s UK sales are up by 17.4%, and for good reason. The app has proved very successful for them. If you’re like me and have unashamedly used the app on more than one occasion, you’ll know how quick and easy it is to edit, find discounts and order your food. There’s even a digital robot buddy that tells you the stages of your pizza prep and when it’s ready!

But the real drive for this digital increase is their ‘The Official Food of Everything’ ad campaign which saw an increase of 200,000 of online orders made.

Dominoes marketing campaign

More than half of Brits plan to buy Christmas gifts online

Every year it seems that Christmas creeps up on us earlier and earlier. So, the temptation to shop online and avoid the heaving crowds is an attractive one – especially with e-commerce stores competing with exclusive online discounts and free delivery charges.

No surprise then that according to the latest report from Salesforce, it suggests that most of us Brits will be shopping online this Christmas. In fact, 56% (or nearly three out of five Brits) will do half their shop online over the holidays. This is coupled with the fact that consumers are being increasingly informed online and wanting to avoid in-store customer experience.

Interesting stat

Snapchat and Instagram have seen ad spend rise by 73% and 55% as new offline features brought added value to advertisers

Breakthrough in delivery with Amazon Key

Would you let Amazon unlock your front door to drop off a parcel? Well, this is the controversial service Amazon are introducing to parts of the U.S in November. For this system to work you will need a starter kit. This is a combination of an app, a home security camera and a smart lock, which couriers will be able to unlock via the app once they’ve scanned the package. Addressing the trust factor, the camera will allow customers to watch their package being delivered live from their smartphones.

We will see how this delivery service is received in the U.S. But there’s been little mention recently about their Prime Air drone delivery option, which was tested in Cambridgeshire. But this technology paves the way for other home services to benefit, such as dog walkers and house cleaners. The Amazon Key starter kit will start from £189.

Read our article on how small businesses can compete with Amazon’s ever-changing technology.

If you need help with your digital marketing, then please get in contact with the sales team at sales@sellerdeck.co.uk

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