Looking for your USP? Then come to our event - Sellerdeck

Looking for your USP? Then come to our event

Looking for your USP? Then come to our event

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When arriving at my very first Sellerdeck breakfast briefing in London earlier this year, it’s fair to say I was rather excited, and not just because of the free breakfast!

Myself and the marketing team had spent weeks making sure we prepared for the event, in every capacity. I don’t want to go as far as to quote the Rocky scene, but lunges were made, pep talks were given. But no one shouted ‘Adrian’! to my disappointment.

In all seriousness, the day turned out quite a relaxed affair. The people who were invited, and those that came, were there for one reason; they wanted to learn how to grow their online sales. And that was what we hoped for; Business owners that were looking to learn how to position themselves better in their current market and take away some actionable steps to improve areas of their business.

Even though all 3 speakers were insightful, informative, witty on occasion, my favourite came from the first speaker of the day, Mark Ballett.

If you didn’t already know, Mark is the best-selling author of Build your Ultimate Business in 100 Days. Intrigued? Well, he also has over 35 years of hands-on business management experience and loves helping businesses find their uniqueness and how they can stand out from their competitors; our Mantra here at Sellerdeck!

Mark’s motivational talk really got you thinking, business owner or not, on how you can become meaningfully different from the competition:

Many people don’t get very far because it can be very difficult to find a competitive edge in many sectors and businesses but it is ALWAYS possible to be different.

What he says makes a lot of sense. To find that ‘competitive edge’ you do need to find that aspect of your business or product that is going to elevate you, so you can market that ‘uniqueness’ well. And words like USP are thrown around often in marketing, but rather than trying to just define that one Unique Selling Point, Mark likes to think of it more as a Unique Selling Proposition. This essentially embodies a combination of things (several in fact) that can lead to your business being different and unique.

So (drum roll please), here are the 7 P’s to success that you need to consider when you’ve done your research and looked at your target market:

The 7 P’s to success

  1. Price
  2. Product
  3. Process
  4. Physical environment
  5. Place
  6. Promotion
  7. People

I won’t be able to go into great detail like Mark does, as he will love to take the time to explain this to you at our event anyway, but essentially, these 7 attributes can lead you on the road to business success. But don’t take it from me, take it from someone who has many, many years of helping a large number of businesses identify their uniqueness, seen them grow and increase their sales.

And if all that juicy information wasn’t enough to wet your business hungry appetites, we also had 2 more talks from our experts Tim Pritchard and Phil Rothwell on how you can sell more to your customers and building an effective online store.

In between this, we did have an awesome breakfast spread for all our attendees, which was quite rightly taken full advantage of, and will certainly be repeated at our next event in Guildford on the 14 June.

Who doesn’t like something for free?!

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