Why you need to be using the Google Analytics ecommerce tracking tool - Sellerdeck

Why you need to be using the Google Analytics ecommerce tracking tool

Why you need to be using the Google Analytics ecommerce tracking tool

Reading Time: 2 minutes
If you’re selling online, you need to be using e-commerce tracking in Google Analytics, it’s as simple as that. If you’re not, then it’s like saying, “oh I’ll book this hotel in the middle of nowhere, but I won’t look up the address or take a map with me so I know where I’m going.”

Ok, so it’s not quite like that, but you get what I mean. If you’re running an e-commerce store, it’s vital that you know how people are viewing your site (mobile, desktop, tablet), what people are spending their money on as well as what they’re ignoring on your website.


What is e-commerce tracking and why should I use it?

Put simply, the tracking measures the number of transactions and total revenue your website makes. However, as well as tracking your total revenue of online transactions, the tool digs a little deeper and looks at things like average order value, revenue of each product, number of individual products sold, total transactions and see these things by a date range.

By looking at this data, you’ll gain valuable insight into what’s working well on your website, how effective your marketing campaigns are and what products aren’t working so well.

Say you sell beauty products online. Previously you may have thought that lipsticks were your bestselling product, as you had a steady stream of orders, but in reality, after looking at the analytics your glitter eye shadows are bringing in more revenue for your business. (Well, it is festival season after all). With the tracking tool, you won’t just be taking a punt on what sells best, you’ll have the evidence right in front of you.

Whilst e-commerce tracking shows where you’re doing well, it gives you an idea on what you need to work on and invest in to improve your ROI and ultimately make your site a success.


What’s the best way to get e-commerce tracking set up?

If you’ve got an e-commerce store, you need e-commerce tracking to be set up on your site right now. Ok, read the rest of this blog and then get it set up.

Whilst the tool is easy to set up on your site, it’s recommended that you work alongside an e-commerce expert, who is knowledgeable in all things Google Analytics, to help you understand the data.

Sellerdeck can help you set up and test Google Analytics tracking e-commerce, so that you can join the many other Sellerdeck customers successfully tracking their online store.

To find out more about how e-commerce tracking can benefit your business, contact us today on 0845 129 4888 or email sales@sellerdeck.co.uk.

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