Ben, Author at Sellerdeck - Page 4 of 4

Convincing customers are safe

online shopping

Reading Time: 3 minutes Once upon a time, customers needed convincing that the Internet was a safe place to shop. Internet novices still need that reassurance. But most people nowadays have shopped online at least once. They take it for granted that buying online is safe – but they still need to be persuaded that it’s safe to buy […]

How to avoid an abandoned shopping cart


Reading Time: 3 minutes Abandoned shopping carts aren’t necessarily negative. Visitors quit their carts for many reasons. They may be competitors checking out your site, or consumers comparing prices and finding out your trading policies. Equally, customers may use your site and then place the order by telephone. On the other hand, shoppers may quit because they find your […]

Is being niche the future of SME?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Mark Twain once said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Twain makes a lot of sense, unless of course he’s talking about cheese. A lot of people like cheese, and I will never pause and reflect on my appreciation of a lovely cheese. That’s one […]

Getting the most out of social media

Reading Time: 4 minutes Chances are you’ve probably heard of social network sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Chances are also that you’re on a social network yourself, especially if you consider that social networks are growing around the world at more than 1 million users per day and well over half a billion people already use Facebook. Adoption […]

Our top tips on effectively using email for your future marketing

email marketing

Reading Time: 6 minutes To some people, email marketing is all bad, brought about by the irritating and irresponsible activities of “spammers”. However, dismissing email marketing can be a big mistake as it remains an enormously powerful medium. It’s just important that the law is obeyed and that common sense prevails. This section is designed to achieve great business […]

Blogspiration! A guide to content creation and writing blogs quickly and easily 

content creation

Reading Time: 3 minutes In my job role, I write blogs for other people on a weekly basis. This has led me to write about everything from water pumps, arts and crafts, adult sized school uniform and most things in between. Writing blogs about products and services that, generally, I have no prior knowledge or expertise in comes with […]

Engaging with your customers

customer engagement

Reading Time: 4 minutes In the Internet age, old ways of doing business and engaging with customers will no longer cut the mustard. There is a new power in customer’s hands, and if you don’t deliver the service that they expect, they want to tell the world. There are very few barriers to expressing strong opinions about companies online, […]

Believe in customer care

customer care

Reading Time: 3 minutes All your hard work has paid off and you’ve got a customer making their first order with you. So what do you do next? If you can demonstrate that you really look after your customers and give them a great experience, they are very likely to come back and order again and again. The simple […]