Brand new brand: How to show love to customers who haven't bought from you yet - Sellerdeck

Brand new brand: How to show love to customers who haven’t bought from you yet

Brand new brand: How to show love to customers who haven’t bought from you yet

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Whenever I’m shopping on the high street, I want a friendly, welcoming, relaxing experience. Whilst I don’t want to be ignored by staff, I also don’t want to be badgered by them and I certainly don’t want to shop in a store that looks like a bull has run through it. There is nothing worse than walking into a store that is cluttered and disorganised and where the staff obviously see you more as a hassle than a valued customer. It’s tempting just to walk out, no matter how good their prices are.

The same applies online. When someone clicks onto your online store, what kind of an impression are you sending?

Here at Sellerdeck, we speak to a lot of customers that haven’t changed their store in years, often for the same reasons. They feel their store is ‘good enough’ and ‘my regular customers have no problem using the store’. Is this sounding a little familiar?

It’s easy to become complacent, but if your store has low quality images and a tired looking design that hasn’t changed in years, then how will that make a potential new customer feel welcome and valued? And how are you giving the impression that they should buy from you? More than likely, the impression your store gives will be that it was stuck up online years ago and now you’re putting minimum effort into maintaining it.

Look at the photo below. Just look at it. Is it inviting? No. Could you be bothered to root around looking for something that may or may not take your interest? No. So why would you let your online store look like this? If you make it difficult for new customers to find the products they’re looking for, then they won’t buy from you and frankly, they won’t visit your website again.

Cluttered store

It may sound like we’re being unfair, but this is the harsh reality. We appreciate that you may spend hours every day adding products, fulfilling orders and talking to your customers. And that’s great. But, as we all know, you’re now having to compete with thousands of online stores. So, you need to show the same level of care to people who haven’t bought from you yet. You can’t just rely on repeat business anymore.

You want your store to exemplify this…

Tidy store

A fresh clean attractive design is an unbeatable way to say, ‘we love having you here’. Before people even place their first order, you are demonstrating that you take pride in your store, care about your customers and want them to have the best experience. It also keeps things fresh for your regulars and need not compromise the ease-of-use you have already achieved.


If you think that maybe the time has come to give your store a spring clean and a lick of paint, then the Sellerdeck Create service can help you. We offer anything from new logos, right up to bespoke re-engineering of your store. All the creative tools you need to help you to stand out from the crowd.

If you’re interested in hearing more about our services, contact us today.

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