Veals | Sellerdeck


Veals pride themselves on offering excellent customer service with an extensive range of stock, same-day dispatch and competitive pricing.

Veals have achieved

0 %

revenue increase from their previous project

Veals identified the early signs of online retail and became one of the first sea fishing retailers to launch an ecommerce website in 1992. This early adoption positioned them for future online success as ecommerce grew and grew.

They’ve continued with that mindset and constantly invested in their online presence and grow their business to multiple millions in online revenue.

Working together since 2008

Sellerdeck and Veals first started their working relationship in 2008. You’ll see this as a consistent theme with our clients where we build long lasting partnerships.

More recently Veals saw inefficiencies in their business and felt they could greatly improve their overall operation. This led to consultation where Sellerdeck presented a fairly major digital transformation.

The project goals covered numerous areas which rolled up to two key targets: revenue generation and integration.

The Brief

The goals of the project were:

  • Increase revenue through higher conversion rate and order value, ideally funding the project with profits from the increase within 6 months
  • Improve the efficiency of operations, primarily focusing on reducing the reliance on individuals knowledge and skills
  • Accurate stock across all sales channels, including marketplaces and POS
  • More visibility by connecting different sales channels to have a full view of the businesses performance
  • New features aimed at driving loyalty and increasing repeat sales
  • Reduce the time per customer interaction by improving the digital communication throughout the customer journey, achieved through integrations and automation
  • Establish a strong training program for existing staff and easy onboarding for new staff
  • Build a platform that allows for future investment to maintain growth

The Results

WooCommerce was identified as the best platform for Veals. This user-friendly, flexible platform provides merchants with the flexibility to create a platform best suited to their business requirements.

We built an advanced WooCommerce store deeply integrated with the key areas, including: marketplaces, accountancy, shipping, email, Google and reporting. These integrations have transformed the fulfilment process and massively increased the speed at which orders are delivered. It’s also replaced individuals knowledge with rules so that edge case orders and the unique parts of the business now follow a clear set of rules.

In addition, we added a range of features to help with UX and UI with a modernised user journey which resulted in a 34% increase in revenue.

Since working with the Business Growth team, we have hit position one rankings ahead of some of the biggest suppliers in the country. The support we have also received on our paid media has been invaluable.

Special Features

Filtering and Search

Accurate Multi-channel Stock

Dynamic Shipping Options

Advanced Payment Options

Customer Loyalty Features

Back Office Integration

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