Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Sellerdeck

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

We have compiled a list of ecommerce related frequently asked questions and answers.

The questions below are the main ones asked about on a regular basis. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us

A cloud-based ecommerce platform gives you access to manage your ecommerce website from any location through your browser.

Sellerdeck builds and maintains ecommerce websites using two open source cloud-based platforms: Magento and WooCommerce (an article detailing both platforms is available here). Sellerdeck Desktop customers choose to migrate for a number of reasons, the main ones being: increased accessibility, functionality and scalability. We manage the migration for Sellerdeck Desktop customers to migrate to Magento or WooCommerce and have the expertise and established processes to deliver a successful migration.

Upgrading to Sellerdeck Enterprise is advisable for customers who have outgrown their current database, who are encountering database crashes, limited capacity and speed issues. Essentially, it is beneficial to those Sellerdeck Desktop customers who have reached the limits of what their current database can manage.

You have access to newly released licence keys for Sellerdeck Desktop at no additional charge if you have an active Cover or Desktop 365 contract. To download the latest version please visit here. To request a key please contact

Widgets are packaged snippets of code that deliver functionality into Sellerdeck Desktop and your website. You have access to widgets at no additional charge if you have a support or Desktop 365 contract with us. For a list of available widgets please visit here.

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a digital certificate that provides authorisation for a website and enables any connection to be encrypted and protected. Essentially an SSL provides a secure environment for you and any visitors to your site. Without an SSL your customers will see a ‘not secure’ message in their browser which may result in lost orders. Having an SSL is also a ranking factor, so it will improve your organic search engine rankings.

If you are hosted with Sellerdeck, we will inform you if you exceed your bandwidth limit and check to see if it was a one-off or if you need to upgrade your package. If the bandwidth limit is exceeded and is in excess of the next tier, then this will be subject to a over usage fee. Ultimately, we would advise that you review your bandwidth usage and consider upgrading where appropriate.

Google Analytics enables you to track how visitors interact with your site, which pages and products are most popular, which content generates the most engagement and which devices people use to access your website. This information helps you make data driven decisions.

Ready to scale your Ecommerce business?

We plan, design, develop, build publish and then continue to support your online business through its evolution.