Important company announcement from Phil Rothwell - Sellerdeck

Important company announcement from Phil Rothwell

Important company announcement from Phil Rothwell

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A statement from former MD, Phil Rothwell:

Dear Customers,

I have some important news about the future of Sellerdeck Limited that I would like to share with you.

As you are aware, over the last few years we have been developing and delivering a range of services that enable us to work more closely with our customers. Today in addition to supplying a platform for Desktop and Cloud, we also offer website design and development and online marketing services. For a growing number of Sellerdeck users we have become close partners as well as suppliers.

At the same time, we have been working to restructure the ownership of the company. I am pleased to announce that this process is now complete and Sellerdeck Limited is wholly owned by the original founder of the business. The main benefit of this is that the business can now move forward with its ownership structure and evolving strategy aligned; supported by the shareholder’s desire to continue to invest for the long-term.

As part of this restructuring process, I was invited to share ownership of the business, which I consider to be a great privilege. However, after giving the matter considerable thought, I have decided to change the direction of my career. Many of you will already be aware of my interest in marketing strategy and data analytics as I talk about it at the company conference. I have decided that this is something I would like to pursue.

New leadership is required for the company and so Josh Barling is taking my place as the CEO. Josh will be supported by Peter Turner, formerly the CEO of CreditCall, as Chairman. Josh has previously worked in the business for eight years and has an in depth understanding of the company and ecommerce.

Josh will be taking up his role with immediate effect, although I will continue to work with the company during the transition.

With respect to the conference, I want to apologise for the false start. As you can imagine, we have been focused on the restructuring of the ownership of the company and as a consequence did not give ourselves sufficient time to promote the event. In the approaching months, we want to engage with you through a series of online events that continue to keep you informed about our development plans.

Finally, as I pass the baton onto Josh, I want to thank you for your custom and the insights you have given me into your businesses. One of the great benefits of working in technology is that you get to meet interesting people and learn about a broad range of markets.

Everyone at Sellerdeck shares my passion and desire to help you succeed, so I know that I leave you in good hands.

On Tuesday the 29th of August at 14:00, Josh and I will host a webinar and we welcome you to join and ask any questions. To register please visit:

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