3 Ways to Improve Your WooCommerce Product Pages for Max Sales - Sellerdeck

3 Ways to Improve Your WooCommerce Product Pages for Max Sales

3 Ways to Improve Your WooCommerce Product Pages for Max Sales

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Did you know that the market for online sales in the UK hit £222 billion in 2020? If you want to improve your online sales, you need to know how to customise a WooCommerce product page.

That way, you’ll be able to include as many details as your customers need. As they shop around your site, they won’t have any questions about if they should buy from you.

Whether you decide to customise a page with a better title and description or more images, you can increase your sales. Then, your business can grow and earn more revenue each year.

Read on to learn how you can customise your product pages without technical web design and development.

1. Write Good Titles and Descriptions

The first way to customise a WooCommerce product page to get more sales is to use good writing. You should write a compelling title that encourages people to click.

This will help get potential customers to read more about your products and purchase them. Then, you can follow the title with an equally interesting product description.

Your descriptions should tell the customer what they need to know about the product. Include details such as:

  • Size
  • Shape
  • Dimensions
  • Materials
  • Colours
  • Fit

When writing your titles and descriptions, be sure to research keywords related to what you sell. Then, you can incorporate those keywords naturally into the title and description.

Use keyword tools to see which terms are performing the best. Compare a couple of similar keywords to learn which might rank better and lead to higher conversion rates.

You may also want to put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer. Think about what terms they would use to find your products or similar items online.

Not only will that help customers find the product on your site, but your product pages may rank in Google. Even if someone hasn’t heard of your store, they may still find one of your products and decide to buy from you.

The more you can explain what your product is, the better your customers will feel about purchasing it. They can buy and know that the product will be a good fit for their needs.

2. Optimise Images

Optimising your images is another crucial step if you want greater revenue and profits from your shop. Be sure to take good photos of your products, and show as many angles of the items as you can.

If you sell clothing, get someone to model the clothes for you to help buyers picture themselves in the clothing. For products that are more demonstrative, you might want to film a video of the item in use.

Photos and videos can give customers a better idea of what it will be like to use what you sell. However, you need to make sure you only include photos with good qualities, such as:

  • Good lighting
  • Balance between light and shadows
  • Accurate colouration
  • Focus on the product

You should also think about how big to make the images. While you want customers to be able to see the details, you don’t want to compromise on faster site loading speeds with massive file sizes.

Add as many images of the product as necessary to help customers learn about it. You don’t need a ton of images but aim for around three to five photos, each at a different angle.

Another thing you can do to optimise images is to use alt text. This text will show up when someone uses a screen reader or if the image can’t load for some reason.

Use alt text to describe the image for people who can’t see it. But include keywords naturally to help your photo show up in an image search. That can be an easy way for attracting new customers looking to buy something.

3. Make Buying Easy

If you can offer a better shopping experience, you’ll be able to get initial sales, and you might get repeat sales from your customers. To help with this, you should make buying on your website as easy as possible.

Use a clear call-to-action, such as a button, to help people know how to add an item to their cart. You might also want to use a buy-now option in case someone only wants to order one thing.

Make those buttons large and in an eye-catching colour. Then, customers will be able to easily find the option they want. If possible, place the button close to the top of the page so that visitors don’t have to scroll too far to buy something.

You should also make finding the shopping cart easy for people as they shop around. As you customise a WooCommerce product page, include a link to the shopper’s cart.

Then, they won’t have to navigate around your site too much to find what they need. If they can’t find the cart quickly, they might abandon it, costing you a sale.

Another way to make purchasing an item easy is to include the stock count on the product page. By showing how much you have in stock, your customers can know if they’ll have to wait for the item.

You might also want to offer different shipping methods. That will give customers the choice to receive their item sooner, or they can wait a little longer to save money.

Adding product recommendations when you customise a WooCommerce product page may also be useful. You can suggest similar products to cross-sell, and customers may decide to purchase more items.

Customise a WooCommerce Product Page the Right Way

Knowing how to customise a WooCommerce product page can make a huge difference in the number of sales you get. You can tell customers more of what they need to know before they place an order.

Not only can that lead to greater revenue, but you might also experience fewer returns. Which will save you and your team a lot of time and money.

Plus, customising your pages means you don’t have to follow a template for each item. If one needs more images than another, you can add that.

Are you ready to customise your WooCommerce website? Get in touch with one of our friendly web design team to discuss your requirements.

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